
Find out general information about assessments and results, including how to apply for an extension, another assessment attempt, an aegrotat and challenging an assessment result below. 

Assessment Requirements 

You are responsible for meeting the assessment and examination requirements as set out in the A1-R1 Academic Statute and any programme or course requirements.  

  • When you do an assessment be honest! 
  • Submit your own original work 
  • Protect your work from being copied 
  • Submit work that you have done with others only where that is permitted 
  • Acknowledge contributions from all sources using appropriate referencing 

You should receive course assessment feedback and results within 15 working days of the assessment date, unless the programme regulations state a different time frame. 

 If you do not submit an assessment by the due date and time and do not have an approved extension, this is counted as your first assessment attempt. If you still want to hand in your assessment it will be counted as a Further Assessment Attempt.  

You may not hand in an assessment after the course end date unless you have an approved Extension.

You are entitled to the return of your written work (or a copy) submitted for assessment. Assessments that may only be shown to students for review under controlled circumstances, rather than being returned, are specified in the course outline. After you receive official academic notification, you may arrange to collect assessment work within six weeks of the course end date.  

Assessment Using Te Reo Māori or Sign Language 

If you wish to submit an assessment using Te Reo Māori or New Zealand Sign Language you need to advise the Programme Manager within 10 working days of beginning the course. 

Special Assistance for Assessment 

If you need special assistance to undertake an assessment, talk to Student Support at the beginning of the course. In consultation with your tutor, they will help to arrange the type of assistance that best meets your needs. 


To be successful in your study, you engage proactively with your tutor, understand what academic integrity is and submit assessments that are your own work. 

Plagiarism is using someone else’s work without proper acknowledgement (using APA referencing) and includes: 

  • Copying the work of another student
  • Re-use of previously submitted work (your own or others)
  • Submitting an assessment written by someone else
  • Submitting the work of a group when individual work is required
  • Knowingly helping another student engage in some form of academic misconduct

Refer to the Academic Integrity Procedures for how allegations of academic misconduct are handled. 


If you are sick or injured, or there are exceptional circumstances before an assessment is due, you can request a change to the due date/time. At least two working days before the due date you can apply for: 

  1. an extension to a later date for an assessment, or
  2. a change to a supervised assessment/examination date or time so that it is before or after the notified date or time

If a changed date for a supervised assessment is approved, you will be asked to sign an Honesty Declaration.

If you are a postgraduate student, you may request an extension to the due date for your thesis or research project. There may be an additional fee for a thesis extension. 

You can apply once only for a suspension of your thesis/project enrolment. During the suspension, you cannot submit work, access support from your supervisor/ Programme Manager or access library services. 

Further Assessment Attempt 

Your Programme regulations specify the number of further attempts you can have if you do not pass an assessment. Further assessment attempts can be either: 

  1. Improving a previous submission, where the tutor thinks you are likely to pass
  2. Submitting a new, similar but not identical assessment, where the tutor thinks you need further learning time

You need to make a request to the tutor for a further assessment opportunity within five (5) working days of receiving an unsuccessful assessment result. If you do not submit an assessment by the due date and you do not have an approved extension, you can request a further assessment attempt within five (5) working days of the original assessment due date. 

You must complete a further assessment attempt before the start of the next teaching period/offering. 

A further attempt is recorded for internal purposes and does not show on your official academic notifications. If you are successful you will receive the minimum pass result for that assessment. 


Further Assessment Attempt – Final Supervised Assessment (Examination) 

 You may be permitted a further supervised assessment attempt under the following conditions: 

  • You failed your first attempt.
  • You attempted all in-course assessments.
  • You would pass the course if you passed in the further attempt.
  • You requested a further assessment attempt because of advice from your School or it is within five (5) working days of the release of the assessment result.
  • You pay a fee for consumables (if any).

Poor attendance may prevent you from having a second attempt to pass an assessment. You can only have one further supervised assessment attempt. If you are successful you will receive the minimum pass result for that assessment. 


Aegrotat Circumstances 

Aegrotat provisions only apply to achievement-based assessments where you need to complete the assessment within a specific time and an extension is not possible. They do not apply where you could have a further assessment attempt or where work-integrated learning hours are required. 

If you think your performance in an assessment was affected by circumstance outside your control, you may apply for an ‘aegrotat pass’ grade for the course under certain conditions. It may be that you were unable to finish the assessment or that you completed the assessment, but you believe that your performance was impaired. 

You can only be considered for an aegrotat pass if your earlier assessment results in the course indicate that you almost certainly would have passed the final assessment. 

Where possible you must request an aegrotat pass before the assessment in writing to your tutor. Under some circumstances, you may be able to submit a request later if it is received no more than five (5) working days after the assessment due date. 

If your request is because of illness or injury you need to supply a medical certificate, dated within three (3) working days of the assessment. The certificate must state that you were: 

  1.  suffering from illness or injury, either immediately before or during the assessment, of sufficient degree to certify you unfit to take the assessment
  2. not responsible for your illness/injury

If you make a request because of exceptional circumstances beyond your control you must supply independent documentary evidence. 

To apply for an aegrotat pass please refer to the aegrotat pass form. 

Challenging an Assessment Result 

If you have any concerns about an assessment result discuss them with the tutor. 

Unless your programme regulations state otherwise, the following regulations apply: 

If you find a mistake in the counting or addition of marks, you can request a recount from the tutor within five (5) working days of the assessment results being released. 

If you think your assessment has not been marked according to the assessment criteria, you can challenge the result in writing to the Programme Manager within five (5) working days of the assessment results being released. 

If you can provide evidence of a procedural irregularity that has materially affected your result, you may challenge the result in writing to the Programme Manager within five (5) working days of the assessment results being released. 

The Programme Manager may arrange for your assessment to be re-evaluated by another assessor, who may be independent of the programme. The outcome is your final result and is the higher grade of the two results. 

You will be advised of the final result within ten (10) working days of receipt of the request or within five (5) working days of receipt of any independent assessor’s report, whichever is later. 


Assessment Results and Course Grade 

The course outline states the criteria for successful completion of the course. Your tutor will notify you of interim results. Final course grades are formally approved before being added to your student record. These are available within 25 working days from the course end date. Refer to Results and Certificates.  


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